About Alison


General characteristics of our crops
Location - Mexicali Valley, Baja California, Mexico
Availability of the product: October - March
Climate conditions - It’s sowed during the Winter (October-March)
Crops: Conventional
Spinach belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family and the Spinacia genus. Its botanical characteristics are:
Annual plant with monoicous and autoalógamicous genotypes.
Two subspecies can be distinguished: Glabra and Spinosa, which are differentiated by the form of their leaves.
It is a dioecious plant, having masculine and feminine flowers; the latter have a more developed rosette and are slower in developing a floral stem.
Health benefits
Goodbye to insomnia - Used as a remedy for headaches and as a sleep aid for people with sleeping disorders.
Oxygenation – Spinach’s high iron content is a component of hemoglobin which is in charge of distributing oxygen to the entire body.
It prevents gastric ulcers – It has the capacity to protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and reduce the possible appearance of ulcers.